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Showing posts from July, 2018

The final blog

Hello everyone, today I’m going to write about the English language challenges. First of all I’m going to talk about my early experiences with the language. Then I am going to tell you which is my actual situation or condition and finally I am going to add my uses of the language and my future plans with it. At school i loved English. It was one of my favorite subjects. My teacher was a kind person and she wanted that we learned in quality and in quantity, but my classmates did not try his best effort. That school experience was essential because based my affection for the English language. One thing that i have to improve of my English is the way that I express myself. I have to admit that i would love to pronounce like a British person, but this is not my principal problem or objective. When I confront an interaction in English I suffer a mental blank: I don’t know what to say, I don’t know how to say it. All in despite of I learned that before. After that happens I think that the...

Changes are changes

Hello, today I’m going to write about my wishes around the changes of my study program. In this time, our program of Psychology is being reformulated thinking in the future students. The team in charge of is the Curricular Innovation team , and they seem very interested in modify the study program in pursuit of the comprehensive training and the well-being. If the work of transform my study program would depend on me, the changes that I would make to my study program are: I would reduce the homework that the subjects take into account, because we need time to read the texts that are essential to win knowledge. The homework is a big thing in our study program: sometimes we have to do tests in our homes. In the specialization period, I would add new subjects, especially about some areas of psychology that are “hidden” in our academic trainings; these are: juridical and communitarian psychology. Also, I would like to question the bad habit of our University to normalize the high...

Personal opinions

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases? I am absolutely convinced that the body belongs to each one of us. For that reason I´m totally agree with the three cases of abortion categorized in the recent and necessary law. Besides, I hope that the regulation of abortion gets an upgrade and finally becomes in free abortion, ensuring the clarity of the information, the bio psychosocial well-being (therapeutic company, equal access, etc.). All is only because the woman deserves to make a decision, the decision that she thinks is better. What is your opinion about recycling? I am reasonably sure that the recycling was the past (but we take conscious later), is the present (we are doing something, a little but something) and is the future (we had a long time to understand that the world, our environment needs care, accumulative care). The recycling is an essential process that makes the garbage suitable for reuse. All our waste, all our inorganic trash has the p...