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Showing posts from October, 2017

Carey Lander, a portrait of peace

  This photo means so much to me. You can see a beautiful, smart and talented woman. Her name is Carey Lander and she was part of the indie and twee pop band Camera Obscura , specifically she played the synthesizer and she was the principal chorus girl. I write in past because she died on October 11, 2015; four years after her cancer diagnosis.   After she found out about her illness, she entered to an organization ( Sarcoma UK ) that collects money to help people with osteosarcoma, an aggressive malignant neoplasm in a bone (a type of primary bone cancer). Lander created a page for Sarcoma UK in order to raise awareness of the disease and lack of funding for research and treatment. Until now (October 30, 2017), the campaign has collected £102,99. In consequence, she was a responsible and sensible woman; all that you can see in the picture.   Like a curiosity, if you look every photo of Carey, you could find an effective source of serenity, love and happiness. In th...

The new project of "Belle and Sebastian"

  Exactly three months ago Belle and Sebastian launched a new single called We were beautiful , a song that get closer to the classic style of the band than their latest album Girls in Peacetime Want To Dance . Two weeks ago, a new surprise: a warm song called I’ll be your pilot . What does mean the media movements of the band?   Like an attempt to calm the vehement questions of the fans; Stuart Murdoch, the vocalist of the band, report in an interview that three new EP’s going to arrive soon (the first EP going to be available on December 8 th ); and each one of them will contain approximately five songs. In an adorable gesture, Belle and Sebastian included the faces of lucky (and British, of course) fans in the sleeves of the little albums (that will conform a big album called How to solve our human problems ).   I have many expectations about the content and rhythms of the songs (I especially hope a song performed by Sarah Martin, my favorite member of the band)...

Headphones in my life

My favorite piece of technology are the headphones, because is the means to listening to my music and to live the experience to stay closer to my dear bands. I used every day my headphones, and when that didn’t happen, probably it will not be a good day.    Now, I am going to talk about one of those bad days:  when I forgot my headphones in some classroom. When I realized of it, I felt terrible because I didn´t know what had happened with them. Later, I thought about the places where I could find my valued headphones… but nothing! Fortunately, I remembered that I was in the Aularios during the morning and like a datum: I always keep my belongings under the tables. With that feeling, I went to talk with the Aularios’ assistants and they allowed me to come into the classroom. Despite my pessimism, I amazingly found my headphones safe and sound. Since of that trouble, I look after my headphones like a saint bone.   

I never expected it

Hello, today I will tell you about my vocational journey until now. During my childhood, I maintained a special interest in science areas like biology and chemistry; consequently I thought that my academic destiny would continue in University programs of health care or “hard sciences”. In my adolescence, my vocational crisis appeared: ¿What I prefer? ¿Medicine, Arts or Pedagogy? The future would bring me something unexpected.   When I saw my first score in PSU, I does not what to do. However, I had listened of a University program that could resolve my vocational problem: “Bachillerato”. Then I entered it.  My first experience in University was amazing, I learned about many new subjects, like psychology, sociology, economics or laboratory works. Besides, I remember with love the new affective relations that I made and the integral space where “Bachi” is based.    But, ¿what happened with the vocational crisis? It was a hard decision because I enjoy a lot of...

A selfish biography

Hello, i am Horacio Andrés Román Navarro i came from Curacaví, Santiago and i have lived there all my life: a "born and raised". I was born in November, therefore i am Scorpio (It was a premature birth, and unfortunately I could have been Sagittarius). I like to say that I am a timid person, however, your impression relating me it could be different. Finally, like a particularity, I am an only child. In my free time, I enjoy read, especially Hispano-American literature (my favourite author until now is José Donoso) and dramaturgy in his classic and emergent version. Also, I like to go to the theater and cinema, and then do critical texts about it (visit in web the page “Jóvenes Críticos GAM”). Besides, my favourites bands are Belle and Sebastian and Camera Obscura , which coincidently came from Glasgow, Scotland.