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Showing posts from 2018

The final blog

Hello everyone, today I’m going to write about the English language challenges. First of all I’m going to talk about my early experiences with the language. Then I am going to tell you which is my actual situation or condition and finally I am going to add my uses of the language and my future plans with it. At school i loved English. It was one of my favorite subjects. My teacher was a kind person and she wanted that we learned in quality and in quantity, but my classmates did not try his best effort. That school experience was essential because based my affection for the English language. One thing that i have to improve of my English is the way that I express myself. I have to admit that i would love to pronounce like a British person, but this is not my principal problem or objective. When I confront an interaction in English I suffer a mental blank: I don’t know what to say, I don’t know how to say it. All in despite of I learned that before. After that happens I think that the...

Changes are changes

Hello, today I’m going to write about my wishes around the changes of my study program. In this time, our program of Psychology is being reformulated thinking in the future students. The team in charge of is the Curricular Innovation team , and they seem very interested in modify the study program in pursuit of the comprehensive training and the well-being. If the work of transform my study program would depend on me, the changes that I would make to my study program are: I would reduce the homework that the subjects take into account, because we need time to read the texts that are essential to win knowledge. The homework is a big thing in our study program: sometimes we have to do tests in our homes. In the specialization period, I would add new subjects, especially about some areas of psychology that are “hidden” in our academic trainings; these are: juridical and communitarian psychology. Also, I would like to question the bad habit of our University to normalize the high...

Personal opinions

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases? I am absolutely convinced that the body belongs to each one of us. For that reason I´m totally agree with the three cases of abortion categorized in the recent and necessary law. Besides, I hope that the regulation of abortion gets an upgrade and finally becomes in free abortion, ensuring the clarity of the information, the bio psychosocial well-being (therapeutic company, equal access, etc.). All is only because the woman deserves to make a decision, the decision that she thinks is better. What is your opinion about recycling? I am reasonably sure that the recycling was the past (but we take conscious later), is the present (we are doing something, a little but something) and is the future (we had a long time to understand that the world, our environment needs care, accumulative care). The recycling is an essential process that makes the garbage suitable for reuse. All our waste, all our inorganic trash has the p...

My future in Psychology

Hello, after a few weeks of a “blog hiatus” I’m would like to talk about my plans in terms of my specialization in my study program (remember that the future is so dynamic). I’m an enthusiastic psychology student. I enjoy discovering new aspects of my program. In my second year, I am getting close to the whole experience of university studies. Until now, my favorite subject has been Social Psychology because we can learn the fundamentals of the relationship between the individual and society. In addition, Social Psychology try to fight the bias that permeate our erroneous conceptions about the historical state of the society. In that sense, I’d love to take a major that includes topics of Social Psychology like group dynamics, social influence, stereotypes, prejudices and everydayness. Besides, this year I fell in love with a new subject: Psychopathology. That makes me feel that I’m going to be interested in Clinical Psychology , like everyone finally happens. The clinical psy...

A big decision

  First of all, I would like to mention that my vocational decision to enter to the University was too hard. I had so many interests (and I’m still having it). For that reason, I think that the system of postgraduate studies is made for me (an egocentric perspective) because I could choose different courses and subjects that would complement my base career. Also, I think that when I finish Psychology I would like to study other Program.   The variety is dangerous for me. When I think in my postgraduate studies I feel confused again. However, nowadays the interrelation between different areas of knowledge has good “status” (multidisciplinary). If I had to choose today, I would like to study courses like drama, literature or ecology. If you are wondering why I don’t consider subjects in a direct relation to the Psychology, I’m doing it too.     I think that the postgraduate studies are the best opportunity to travel to other places, because your academic training...

Not my pets :)

First of all, i would like to comment that i don’t have pets. I love the animals so much, but I don’t share the idea of “to have pets”, because I’m not good enough to taking care to others. For that reason, I’m going to talk about my mom’s and grandmother’s pets.   My mother have three dogs. The first and most dear of them is Mateo “Tito”. He is 10 years old and he arrived to our house after being mistreated by his previous mistress. I think that my mom saved him. Mateo is so surly and jealous. Also he is friendly with (and only) new people. A curious datum: he loves to play with cats, even he enjoy that the cats chase him.   The second one is Aquiles, he is a Pastor Alemán. He likes the disaster and to go to dog parties every night; in despite of my mother’s concern.   Finally, the third and youngest dog is Magnus (an inherited name from his former family). He came to our home because his previous house was too small for a dog with so much energy (like this). He is...

Sunny food

  Hello, today I’m going to talk about my favorite food of all the times. In first place, I have to say that I’m not so good at making decisions. So, I’m going to pick three of the mouth-watering foods that exist to me: porotos granados, humitas y pastel de choclo. In my grandma’ house there is a vegetable garden where she grows beans, corn, basil, pumpkins, etc.   All these products are the basic substrates to make the marvelous home-cooked food. In this sense, I have to recognize that I eat my fist favorite food (porotos Granados) every weekend in summer. Also, in that season I enjoy the humitas frequently in despite of the difficulty of cooking this (and many flies fly around them).    When I changed my diet to the vegetarian one, I was afraid because that decision would generate that, for example, I couldn’t eat my third favorite food. But my grandma showed up like a super heroin and made a Pastel de choclo with a base of soy.   Unbelievably, the...

Without clarity

  First of all, i would like to say that I’d prefer to stay at University forever. Perhaps like a student I don’t have much time to get out or to have hobbies. But, we have THREE MONTHS OF VACATIONS! And it would be more if we include winter holidays. I detest thinking in the responsibilitiesand implications of the adulthood.           Psychology is a science that gathers many application fields, some of them are: clinical psychology, Forensic psychology and legal psychology, Industrial and organizational psychology, social and communitarian psychology, educational psychology, etc. Each one has particularities that make it attractive to the transformative labor of the psychologist. On this matter, is very complicated to make a virtual decision today. But I can do an effort! :D   In first place, I’m interested in two areas in particular:   clinical and educational psychology. In despite of the stereotype or common feeling that considers the ...

Belle and Sebastian again!

  Hello partners! How are you? In this enter I’m going to write about the most incredible concert that I’ve had in my life (and the second and last): I’m talking about Belle and Sebastian live performance.   One day, I was navigating in Belle and Sebastian’ Facebook page and I found an advertisement that promoted their around the world’ tour. When I saw it, the only thing that I hoped it was that Chile was considered in their list. Fortunately for Chilean fans, the band wanted to come back to the country in two years.           First of all, I remember the precise date of the live performance: It was on 22th October, 2015. The entry to the concert was really great. When I arrived to Teatro Caupolicán, I received a photograph of me with some of the belongings of the members of the band (I was very excited for that!).   Then, I noticed that the gallery was almost empty, which allowed me to get a privileged position. In the middle of the co...

The music is a place and the place is the music

  I would like to visit Glasgow, Scotland. Why I choose this far-off destination? First of all, I would like to comment that my favorite bands are Belle and Sebastian and Camera Obscura. Amazingly both come from the largest and populous city of Scotland: the beautiful and colorful Glasgow. Therefore, the greatest reason to choose Glasgow like…is to know how the environment (people, typical food, buildings, etc.) of the city influences the music style and lyrics creations of the members of the bands. I  It seems strange to think that my favorite style of music comes from to the same place and my purpose would be to discover this mystery going across the avenues of the third most populous city in the United Kingdom. Obviously, I will do my best to reach a meeting with them (I would not lose anything trying it). If my efforts don’t work, Glasgow has many other attractions (unfortunately none of them is better than knowing my idols) like biggest castles, modern buildings, pr...

Intimate anwers

What is your opinion on the social networks and the effect they have on society?  I think that the social networks have a colossal influence in the society because the people generally talk about what they see on their screens. The social networks are able to create new perspectives in the individuals, which mosly of times is dangerous; especially now with the scandal of the Facebook.  What is your opinion on animal testing?  I am completely against of the animal testing. All the animal testing practices come from the "speciesist" principles that have been inherited of the Cartesian era, where the animals were judged like things; i mean, without soul and feelings. Today, I would like to make something clear: the animals are like one of them.   Actually, i value the "fighting animal testing" initiatives of some comestics brands, and i hope that all the ways of mistratment (even the hidden forms like this).   What is your opinion on ...